Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Assalamualaikum & Selamat Pagi

Dear Hafiz Fans

Its time that I (Adminhafizfc) mengundurkan diri from being the administrator of this blog. I have officially handed over this task to a very reliable person (who wishes to remain anonymous for the time being) last nite.
This person shall now be known as Adminhafizfc2. He/She shall update the blog and furnish us with updated info on our beloved Hafiz. (Please dont ask me who this person is. Let us respect his/her decision to remain anonymous for now).

I had the best times being the Admin of this blog from Day 1. I have made friends with Hafiz Fans and its been such an honour being respected and looked up upon by most of you. I know we had our ups and downs but whatever it was, we have accomplished our mission to make Hafiz the Juara of AF7. It was indeed a wonderful wonderful journey.

If you miss me (hehe) you can still find me in the chatbox (usually at nites) as Kakwa :)

So since its still Syawal, I just wanna wish you all SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI .. mohon ampun maaf zahir & batin. Take care, dont be naughty and no matter what gossips we hear, we shall SUPPORT HAFIZ ALL THE WAY, ok?



Syada137 said...

congrats to the new admin..wish u all the best being the hafiz FC admin cause az u all know la, too much presure kan..so be as strong as kak wa tau..we support u all the way..go go go hafiz FC.. :)

Unknown said...

TQ kakwa atas sumbangan kakwa sebelum tok
Sokongan kepada hafiz tetap diteruskan tanpa mengambil kira siapa sekalipun adminnya

Selamat menjalankan tugas baru kepada admin baru

Balqis DBJ said...

Dear Salwa, thanks a lot for all your interesting entries here. It had been really a wonderful experience reading all the cool stuffs u wrote which always caught my attention and which I followed since the first time I knew about this blog.

We will miss you! Wishing you the best in your undertakings!

Hope to see you around at the cb.

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